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Page history last edited by Mr. M. 6 years, 5 months ago

SummerWild | Discussion Groups Wiki



Discussion Groups: 


Makwa Sakahikan Wichewakan Nipin  Kinosew
Edison  Tom
Candy Alice Wenda Vanessa Kevin
Teren Victor
Leona Larry
Sylvia Nathan
Raymond Jing  
Arthur Daisy


Click on your group name to go to your group discussion page.


If you have lost your Lit Circle Role Guidelines, you may download them on the "SummerWild Resources" page.


This page is brought to you by students in English 12 at St. John's Int. School in Vancouver, BC, Canada.



Comments (4)

Jesse said

at 2:23 pm on Feb 22, 2012


wenda said

at 1:36 am on Feb 26, 2012

cool pic by Daisy~!!

WilliamWang said

at 8:53 pm on Feb 26, 2012


Ken Budd said

at 9:13 pm on Mar 7, 2012

Teacher Marthaller has made me aware of this work being done in his class, and I have to tell everyone who has contributed that I think what has been accomplished is absolutely outstanding! It thrills me to see the expansion of writings that I created from memories and love, towards goals of learning and sharing knowledge and ideas, into thought patterns, introspective analysis and hopefully enjoyment. I thank you most sincerely for your investments of energy, consideration and collaboration. You have made this old fart very, very happy. I commit to sharing my reflections of what you offer over the next while, and look forward with great anticipation to meeting you personally in the near future.

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